Fishing on Lake Erie has been great so far this spring. Despite the weather swings, anglers have been getting out in between them. The Maumee and Sandusky Rivers are full of walleye. Boats have been doing well trolling since ice out. Like clockwork, the walleye jig bite is just starting to heat up in the western basin. Perch can be caught close to shore and the steelhead are in the rivers for their spring run. This is a great month to fish on Lake Erie. Below is your April 2024 Fishing Report.
Lake Erie Walleye Fishing Report
Walleye fishing has been excellent when anglers can get out due to the weather swings this spring. Trolling has been great offshore in Lorain and Huron. Bandits, Perfect 10s, and Husky Jerks trolled at 1.2-1.4 have been producing the best results. In both areas target the 40 fow. Most fishermen right now are choosing to troll around the reef complex as most of the walleye are in or close to the western basin to spawn. Trolling around the reef complex close to the firing range cans is great right now! Lots of pre-spawn fish still hanging around. Bandits and Reef Runners unassisted can be trolled fairly easily in this area due to its shallow depth.
Jig fishing was just getting started about a week ago. Looking at the headboat reports the fish are still hanging off the edges of the reefs in a little deeper water. Look for those fish to slide on top of the reefs any day now. Hair jigs in a casting or vertical pattern are your best bet for jigging. We did make it out last Sunday jigging and all of our fish came from 25 feet around Mouse Island.
The Maumee and Sandusky Rivers have been producing limits of fish lately. Most anglers are casting floating jig heads with a 1-2 ounce weight above the jig. This is to keep the jig on the bottom. If you head to the Maumee or Sandusky Rivers and need information, call Maumee Tackle and they will set you up!
Lake Erie Perch Fishing Report
Perch fishing has been OK for this April 2024 fishing report. Perch are in their spawning faze or post-spawn. They can be caught in shallow bay areas now. The best place to try in the western basin is Sandusky Bay. You can catch them off piers or in a boat in the shallow sandy areas.
Lake Erie Steelhead Fishing Report
The steelhead has been in full spawning mode for a couple of weeks now. There is plenty of fish in the shallow runs spawning. There are also a lot of fish hanging in the deep areas above and below the shallow runs. Both places are great for catching steelhead. Egg sacs and jigs are a great choice for bait fishermen. Any egg pattern or bugger will work for fly fishermen. Make sure you keep an eye on the river gauges before you head out. The rivers have been up and down lately due to rain.